Microsoft Azure
A toy box without any toys, only possibilities.
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azure powered solutions

Optimise & Drive Efficiency

Getting into Microsoft Azure is not the hard part, nor is it difficult to acquire Azure. Anyone can do it, it takes little knowledge or skill. However, it’s how you use Azure that is important. Understanding the reasons, having a clear strategy and journey planned.

Once you have the path determined, you can adopt, optimise and then finally seek cost efficiencies.

Regardless of your progress in your journey, we can assist at any phase.

Let us help you on your Azure journey?

We can help whether you’re at the beginning or stuck in the middle.







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Products & Services

Our Azure Expertise

We are not big advocates of the lift and shift approach to adopting any cloud technology; therefore, we prefer a measured approach. By having a methodological approach, you allow for appropriate testing, and also the ability to manage change correctly.

With the many advancements in networking technologies, our preference is to build a hybrid-cloud first, connecting your new Azure environment to your existing infrastructure. Thereafter, we can steadily migrate you, while always having a rollback plan easily on hand.


Security & Networking

Apply the correct enterprise-grade security with next-gen detection capabilities, and bind your Azure environment tightly to the rest of your enterprise connected networks. 


Public cloud is all fine and well when you have no enterprise networks, multi-campus or private connected end-points. Unify all your networks into one resilient architecture, and we’ll also monitor and manage from end-point to cloud service.

Containers & Data

Serverless databases and computing in Microsoft Azure, scalable apps and managed Kubernetes, Power Platform, with web apps.

AI & Machine Learning

Cognitive Services, Speech Analytics, Bots and AI with Machine Learning in Azure

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